How to celebrate the end of the year in the Argentine style: tradition, social and gastronomy.


How do Argentinians celebrate the end of the year? A glimpse into the tradition, social and gastronomic culture. If you are curious about how people from different countries and cultures celebrate the end of the year, you might be interested in learning about Argentina. This South American nation has a rich and diverse heritage that reflects in its festive traditions. Here are some of the main aspects of how Argentinians celebrate the end of the year.

Unlike in the US, where Christmas is celebrated on December 25th, Argentinians celebrate it on December 24th, also known as Nochebuena (Good Night). This is a night of family reunion, where relatives gather around a table to share a meal, exchange gifts and toast at midnight. Some families also attend a midnight mass at church. After midnight, fireworks light up the sky and people go out to party with friends or neighbors until dawn.

Argentinians are very sociable and friendly people, and they love to celebrate with music and dancing. During the end of the year festivities, you can find many street parties, concerts and festivals around the country. One of the most popular events is the Carnival of Gualeguaychú, featuring colorful floats, costumes and performances. Another tradition is to wear new clothes on New Year's Eve, especially underwear of a certain color. For example, red for love, yellow for money or green for luck.

Let’s talk about Gastronomic Culture

Argentinian cuisine is influenced by European, Native American and African cultures, and it varies by region. However, some of the common dishes that you can find on an end of the year table are: Asado (barbecue), Sanchuchitos de Miga (Tea Sandwiches)  Vitel Toné (thinly sliced slow-cooked veal, chilled, and then covered with a creamy tuna and anchovy sauce), Empanadas (crescent shaped, stuffed pastry), Ensalada rusa (Classic mix of potatoes, carrots and peas in a mild mayonnaise, a tasty and creamy option), Pan Dulce (sweet bread) and Turrón (nougat). To drink, Argentinians enjoy wine, cider, champagne or fernet (a bitter herbal liqueur). For dessert, they have helado (ice cream), flan (custard) or ensalada de frutas (fruits salad).

As you can see, Argentina has a lot to offer when it comes to celebrating the end of the year. Whether you are looking for a family-oriented, festive or adventurous experience, you can find it in this diverse and vibrant country. If you ever have the chance to visit Argentina during this time of the year, you will surely enjoy its culture, people and food.If you want to organize a traditional Argentine party, contact me at my email or buy your traditional Argentine products at Tango Pastry  (

Happy holidays!




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