Mastering the Art of the Argentine Disc


Mastering the Art of the Argentine Disc: Sizzle Up Your Cooking

In the vast universe of Argentine cuisine, there's one element that shines with its own light, a versatile tool that has been the secret behind some of Argentina's most delicious meals. I'm talking about the "disc of harrow," or simply "disc," an iconic culinary instrument that has been an integral part of Argentine gastronomy for decades. In this article, we'll delve into the history, usage, and mouthwatering dishes prepared with this legendary utensil.

A Glimpse into the History of the Disc

  • The disc of harrow, originally a piece of agricultural equipment, found its way into Argentine cuisine during colonial times. Gauchos, skilled in adapting tools to their needs, discovered that the harrow disc was perfect for outdoor cooking. Its broad, flat surface allowed for the preparation of large quantities of food, ideal for the expansive Argentine pampas.

  • Over time, the disc evolved into an essential part of Argentine gastronomic culture. It was given a new purpose, becoming a sort of traditional wok, and started being used to cook traditional and rich dishes like the famous "pasta al disco" and "disc-cooked meat."

The Art of Cooking with the Disc

  • The magic of the disc lies in its versatility. It can be placed directly over the fire, whether it's a grill, a campfire, or a wood-burning stove. This allows for complete control over the temperature, which is crucial for dishes that require slow and precise cooking.

Typical Dishes Cooked on the Disc

  • Now, let's explore the array of delightful dishes that come to life on the sizzling surface of the disc. 

  • Pollo al Disco: The disc works its magic on chicken! Chicken pieces are seasoned to perfection and cooked with colorful bell peppers, onions, and a blend of aromatic spices. I personally recommend Pampa's Herbs by Nativo Spices that will give it a unique flavor, the freshness of the herbs will make your chicken al disco the king of traditional dishes. The result? Tender, flavorful, and slightly smoky chicken that's simply irresistible.

  • Ravioles al Disco: Yes, even pasta lovers have a reason to rejoice! Ravioli are not pre-cooked in another pot, the magic of this technique is that everything is cooked together on the disk. What is distinctive about this technique is the flavor provided by preparing this delicious dish of Italian heritage in the heat of the fire and wood that provides a touch of smoky flavor. The technique is to first prepare the sauce and once it is ready add a little water to the sauce and place the pasta to cook while the water is consumed and an incredibly delicious reduction is achieved.

  • Do you need inspiration to prepare a good sauce? Don't worry I've got you covered! Visit my previous blog note: 5 sauces to accompany your pasta

  • Carne al Disco:  The disc takes Argentine meat to new heights. Whether it's the succulent Osobuco, the rich and flavorful Matambre, the juicy Vacío, or the tender cuts of pork, the disc enhances the natural flavors, infusing every bite with smoky goodness. These meaty marvels are a testament to Argentine craftsmanship. To cook these meats and give them a unique flavor contribution, I recommend Patagonia Mix by Nativo Spices. I'm sure it will add the right spices to make your meat taste amazing.

As an Argentine chef, I encourage you to embrace the art of the disc and savor these authentic flavors. Spread the joy of Argentine cuisine with your friends by sharing this blog, and don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive a fresh batch of culinary insights every Wednesday. Until then, keep the fire burning, both in your heart and under your disc!




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