Blog - Argentine Feast Street Food


Unforgettable experience at Argentine Feast: A feast of flavors, music and Argentine culture.

I am very happy to share with you my experience in the recent edition of Argentine Feast Street Food! As you already know this is one of my projects that I am proud to carry out. Being able to organize such a great event and with such a great response from my guests is something that always excites me again.

The evening began with an amazing sunset, painting the sky with colors and lights that accompanied us during the meal. It was a preview of the magic to come. The atmosphere was filled with a unique energy, contagious laughter and people disconnecting from routine to immerse themselves in a night of culinary and cultural delight.

During the evening, we offered a wide variety of Argentinean delicacies that represented the best of our gastronomy. The empanadas, filled with a variety of flavors such as Caprese (Mozzarella Cheese, Tomato, and Basil); Cordero (Lamb, Peppers, Spring Onions);Arabé (Ground Beef, Onions, Tomatoes, Lemon Juice); the tea sandwiches, with their layers of soft bread and abundant fillings of cheese, mayonnaise, and thin slices of ham, prosciutto or salami. On the other hand, the pizza could not be missing with its options of muzzarella, fugazzeta and napolitana. In addition, choripán, a perfect combination of grilled sausage and freshly baked bread, was offered; and as another option, an Asado sandwich with grilled short ribs, which everyone who tasted it fell in love with.

But it was not all savory dishes. We also delighted our guests with the sweet flavors of alfajores; budín de pan; pastafrola with quince jelly; and pionono, which could be filled with chocolate, dulce de leche or lemon. Each bite was a unique sensory experience that evoked the authentic flavors of Argentina.


And as in all the peñas, the musical show was not lacking. We would like to thank Rubén and Miguel, who gave us a show of Argentine music. As the well-known philosopher Nietzsche said, “life without music would be a mistake” and so would the Argentine Feast.

I feel enormously grateful for the wonderful feedback we received from everyone in attendance. Your words of praise and appreciation for our cuisine and the atmosphere we created fill us with satisfaction and drive us to continue to excel in every event we organize.

But this is just the beginning. I am excited to tell you that we are preparing the next Argentine Feast on October 7th. It will be a unique opportunity to continue sharing our passion for Argentine cuisine, music and culture. Stay tuned to our social networks and email to know all the details and not to miss this extraordinary experience.

I want to heartily thank every single person who made this event possible, from our amazing team to the wonderful hosting of BoonDoggie Farm, for their incredible hospitality and for providing us with the perfect space to make this festival happen. Without their support, none of this would have been possible.

In short, the Argentine Feast was an unforgettable experience. It was a meeting of flavors, laughter, good energy and gratitude for being surrounded by people passionate about Argentine culture and gastronomy. I hope to count on your presence in our next events and to continue sharing unforgettable moments together.




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Argentinian Street Food