Katriel's Life Steps Part 10: Bangladesh


Exploring Bangladesh: A Journey into a New Culture and an Unknown World

In this exclusive interview, I will dive into the memories of my unforgettable trip to the Asian continent. Visiting Bangladesh introduced me to a new world reflected in the culture and food of this country. I believe that traveling helps to expand your knowledge and to have another vision of life, and in this particular destination, there were many new things that I discovered and that I want to share with you. Come with me and I'll tell you what they are!

Katriel, you have us excited for this new chapter of your culinary experiences. What year was your trip to Bangladesh?

  • Hello everyone! In 2019 we traveled to the Asian continent, to the country of Bangladesh with my wife, Devyn. We went for about two weeks to visit this country and it is a moment that will be marked in my memory forever. The reason was that a friend was getting married, and it opened up a rare opportunity for us to discover an unknown world.

Sounds exciting! What is it like to get married in Bangladesh?

  • It is totally different from a western wedding. They are used to 5 days, but my friend and his wife celebrated in 3 days, with 3 different dinners. They also had the incredible attention to their friends and guests by providing traditional, custom suits and dresses for their guests. They picked us all up in a van at the family home and we went to the phenomenal and unique wedding reception. We were both amazed by the atmosphere, the beautiful colors and decor, the food, and all the other guests in attendance. It was an unforgettable experience.

It is very interesting what you tell us. And, how was the experience of touring Bangladesh and immersing yourself in its culture?

  • It was unique. In terms of sightseeing, we explored many castles that evoked the historical grandeur of the place, and on the other hand, we were just going about our daily lives. But what really allowed us to get to know the culture in depth was the food. Meals with the newlywed couple's family and friends opened the doors to the typical dishes of the region and showed us how food is a powerful link between tradition and hospitality.

Let's talk about food! What flavors and dishes characterized your culinary experience in Bangladesh?

  • The dishes here are something never seen before. This is because they develop them with what they have and create their own recipes. The ones that surprised me the most were dishes like sweet lentil dumplings and curry with fish head. Also, Asian influences were present with the use of spices such as turmeric, hot pepper and cardamom. And they use a lot of cumin, chili, onion and garlic powder, hot pepper, cinnamon and vanilla among other things. Every bite I tasted was a new adventure.

Did you have the opportunity to cook with the locals?

  • Yes, at my friend's family's house. I was able to cook alongside the maids of the house. I was intrigued by the way they chopped ingredients and their unique techniques. It was fascinating to learn about their approach to slow cooking and the use of clay pots, which brought an impressive depth of flavor to the dishes.

Did this whole experience give you any ideas for your cooking as a professional chef?

  • Yes, thanks to this trip two of my Nativo Spices spices were born. One of them is "Bangla Blend" https://www.nativospices.com/shop/p/bangla-blend is a base I brought from Bangladesh, with the ingredients they use for seasoning: cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, cumin, among others. It is a sauce to which you can add spice. The other spice that came up is Spiced Sugar, https://www.nativospices.com/shop/p/spiced-sugar is a sweet spice as its name indicates and I came up with it because they use spices in sweet foods and I loved the idea.

Incredible! And are there any unique culinary techniques that you have discovered?

  • One fascinating technique is the "Tandoori". It is a reverse oven used on the Asian continent to bake breads and other dishes that are traditionally baked in an oven. You turn on the fire below and the dough sticks to the pot, puffing up until it is ready. I was also surprised by the way they use the fish head to flavor the dishes. They boil the head, then take it to pass it through a sofrito, (garlic, onion, bell pepper and chili) and put the head inside that. Then they use the water they made to make soup or rice. On the other hand, I admired the patience in their cooking and marinating that creates irresistible dishes full of nuances.

 What other aspects of Bangladesh left a lasting impression on you?

  • The connection to the culture was transformative. Exploring the capital, Dhaka, revealed a community that was welcoming and open with us. They have very good textiles, they sell them on the street, they are for brands like Calvin Klein and Armani. But as some products have defects the brands don't accept it, so they sell it discounted.I had 4 custom silk shirts made. On the other hand, the castles; the fervor of the inhabitants for soccer and cricket; the love they have for Argentina, and the chaotic atmosphere of the city contributed to a unique trip.

How beautiful, what did you take away from Bangladesh?

  • Aside from unforgettable memories, I took away a deep appreciation for the connection between food and culture. The bold flavors and unique cooking techniques inspired me to continue exploring and learning in my own kitchen. It was one of my favorite trips that I hold close to my heart.

Thank you for sharing your trip to Bangladesh with us, we look forward to your next culinary adventure!

This was a slice of everything I experienced in Bangladesh, the trip that introduced me to a new world. From the captivating traditions to the bold and exotic flavors, every moment left an indelible mark on my heart and palate. I hope this interview has managed to convey a bit of the wonder and awe I experienced, and I can't wait to share more of my travels and culinary experiences with you all in future blog posts!




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